Tuesday, February 24, 2009

a bitter (and slightly exaggerated) beginning

I have realized that there is one breakfast that really starts my day right: a cigarette and can of diet coke (quite possibly the best beverage to ever enter my mouth.) This is probably because of my reformed tobacco and long standing caffeine addiction. I can't imagine what condition my teeth are in. One of my best friends, a dental student, would not be proud. Though, it is a step up from other shit I've allowed myself to form a habit of.

Before I moved to LA, everyone told me "It's so green" and "It's so healthy" Are you fucking kidding me? I spent the first nine months after college jumping around Europe and living in NYC, cleaning up. I stopped drinking, I stopped smoking, I stopped dating. I even stopped biting my nails (clearly I have an oral fixation.) Either way, I get to LA and where do I find myself? Drinking a vodka/sprite while I'm blow drying my hair and stopping at Ralph's to get a pack of American Spirits (yellow...blue is for fucking pussies) before I crash some party with a bunch of other SU alumni and fucking some guy I briefly knew in school. It's official, I've reverted and the only thing I'm missing is my wife.

LA is fucking beautiful.

This blog is about quitting smoking, because I will shoot myself before I gain weight/chew nasty tasting gum/have patches all over my body.